January 17, 2011

Mr. Granola: Round Two, Part Two

           Somehow we ended up back together. Looking back now, I’m not sure how quite how it happened; it was just kind of understood and we picked up where we left off. The rest of my summer was spent with him. We were once again inseparable and I liked it.
            Not to say that there weren’t some complications involved in our newly rekindled romance. When Frank found out that Mr. Granola and I were seeing each other again, and so soon after, he flipped. Frank despised Mr. Granola for no other reason than the fact that he was my first love and I had never truly gotten over him. I guess Frank saw him as competition. But Frank wasn’t the only one who was hesitant about my decision to try things again with Mr. Granola. My parents and a good number of my friends were not completely on board. Their criticism just made me work that much harder to make this relationship work. I knew I was leaving for school but it was only an hour and a half away from him. It had great potential.
 Time came for me to pack up and move to school. Mr. Granola promised to help but was somehow mysteriously busy when the time actually came. Once at school I met my roommate and started to unpack all of my things. It was about a week later that I realized how miserable I was at this school. Everything I had wanted in a college was wrong. I thought I wanted a small, conservative college, no big party scene, and beautiful campus, far away from any big city. Turns out all those things created a small, conservative, small-minded campus that was far away from any town bigger than 500 people. I was bored. My class schedule couldn’t even begin to compare to my rigorous high school schedule and I was about a month ahead on all my work. And to top off everything, my super conservative roommate judged me night and day on the fact that I was in a relationship and not saving myself for marriage.
I was miserable. I went home whenever possible and found refuge in my relationship. But turning to Mr. Granola to fix my misery suddenly took a toll. We never fought but began fighting on a regular basis. He was under an extreme amount of pressure to fix everything that happened with the accident over the summer. He was taking some time off from school and was unsure of when he’d go back. We needed to talk and come up with a plan.
The talk was serious but exciting. Mr. Granola would return to school the next year and I would transfer to a school around his. We’d get an apartment somewhere in between the two schools and both commute. Then there was talk about a dog and which schools I was applying to. There was a load to think about but totally worth it. We planned a weekend trip to his school so we could find a place, I could meet his friends, and I could visit some schools. I was giddy with excitement. It was all settled and our future was starting to become clearer.

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