January 07, 2011

The Licker: Part Two

He did, however, ask me out again! Wahoo. I still thought it was love. We met up at the movies again. This time he was late. His reason: he had to go to his girlfriend’s lacrosse game. Really? Why had he forgotten to mention the girlfriend? To make matters worst, I had told my friends about this date and they were stalking us around the mall and even into the movies. I’m still not quite sure the reason for their under-cover stalking mission; perhaps to humiliate me or maybe because that’s just what freshman girls do. Well there was no use in turning down a movie. But this time he didn’t pay. This was not a date. And despite the girlfriend issue and the fact that he did not pay (making it so clearly NOT a date), he decided he needed to hold my hand through the movie. I could kick myself now for letting him. It was so new to me and I craved it so much that I let the little creep get away with it anyway.
After the “date”, I vowed to myself that I would never go out with him again. I had been lied to and humiliated in front of my friends. I got endless questions from my stalker friends and all questions I couldn’t answer. I was completely lost and confused but at the same time felt strong and proud that I would never let myself get played like that again.
A few weeks later he came crawling back. When I asked about the girlfriend he told me they weren’t together anymore. So once again, in a continued moment of weakness, I allowed him to take me out. And by “take me out” I mean having our parents drive us to the mall again.
This time there was a kiss or at least the promise of a kiss. Now I must preface this by saying I DO NOT consider this to be my first kiss. Its intent was to be my first kiss though, so it will be told as such.
 I remember it like it was yesterday. The movie theater was full. A little girl was sitting in front of us with her family. She was old enough to know we were on a date and was so fascinated by said date she had to keep turning around to look at us, and giggle.
Anyways, it was starting to get towards the end of the movie and he squeezed my hand. I looked over and he leaned in. Oh god, this was it. This was going to be my first kiss. I had dreamed about this moment since the 5th grade when boys stop possessing kooties. I leaned in too. Then he licked me.
Ok, now I believe I should give you a few seconds to re-read that and allow it to sink in. Yes, a lick. To this day I’m still unaware of what was actually supposed to happen. I have a couple of theories. The first, I did something wrong. Very possible because I had no experience in matters such as this when the “kiss” took place. Second, he jumped the gun went right into a French kiss and slipped and missed my mouth. Honestly, I put my money on this second theory. But regardless of the reason, I absolutely refuse to claim this as my first kiss and now you understand why.
As for the Licker, I never spoke to him again. I am pretty sure he was just as embarrassed as I was. He "friended" me on Facebook a few years later but there was nothing more than the friendly “how’s life” chit chat. However, the entire experience was very sad and slightly gross.

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