February 23, 2011

Mr. Emo: part one

Oh the Emotional man. Where to begin with this story? Well I first must state that I had no idea about his emotional baggage (hence his name) and had I known in the beginning I probably would not have gone very far with him, because to tell you the truth, I was the one who was an emotional wreck at the end of all of this.
My sorority sister, Michelle, set up a little meet and greet session with Mr. Emo in the main Courtyard of the school. There were a few other people there too to try and limit the awkwardness. Luckily it worked and to my surprise, I really liked this guy. He was quite cute and strangely charming. I was bummed that I had to cut the meeting short, as I needed to run to class, but I told Michelle that I’d talk to her later. I said my goodbyes and hurried off to class. I sent Michelle a text message from class telling her to meet up with me at the sorority house later to talk about how the Courtyard meeting went. 
When I got to the house, all the girls were talking up a storm. Apparently there was some movie being filmed on campus and a group was debating whether or not they should go watch it being made. Michelle looked at me and I knew she wanted to go. A perfect opportunity to analyze our meeting before, and see what all the fuss was about, I figured I was in.
It was a good 15 minute walk to get to the part of campus where the movie was being filmed, plenty of time to analyze the possible date situation with Mr. Emo. Michelle smiled and told me that Mr. Emo was very happy to have met me. I was thrilled. She asked if she could give him my number and I of course said yes.
It was right about this time that we stumbled onto the movie set. Sarah (another sorority sister), Michelle, and I were all just sitting there watching the chaos. We sat there for a good ten minutes trying to figure out what on earth was going on. A man nearby overheard us talking and joined in our conversation. He worked with the filming company that was shooting the movie. It turns out it was only a music video shoot, nothing too exciting, just some rap artist that I had never heard of. The Movie Man was really nice and seemed to think it was funny that a bunch of girls came out to watch a rap video being filmed. We weren’t the only ones though. I had a feeling he was trying to hit on Michelle and when he turned around for a second she whispered to me that she thought he was cute. This was just a bad idea for her, as she was currently on again off again with a long term boyfriend.  Well it didn’t matter. The movie was still interesting to watch and now, after having confirmed that Mr. Emo was still interested, Michelle and I had exciting things to talk about.  

February 16, 2011

So dreadfully sorry....

I have been sick with the flu for a week straight and I can't seem to do anything but cough. There will be more coming soon. I promise! I just need to breathe first.

February 05, 2011

Goodbye First Class Frank, and Hello Mr. Emo

I flew home a couple of days later. It was a bittersweet goodbye as I wasn’t sure how my leaving would affect our relationship. I knew me being ill put quite a damper on the should-be romance of the trip. We left our relationship status open. Between the distance and school schedules it didn’t make a whole lot of sense to commit to Frank again. Frank seemed to be alright with this. He knew that it was the responsible thing to do; having an open relationship that it. I could tell he was a bit bummed but knew it was for the best. I thought that given time, all would work itself out and we’d be back together once the summer rolled around. Little did I know, there would be a new someone waiting for me back at home.
Before I left to see Frank, I had gone against my best wishes and did the unthinkable. I joined a sorority. When applying to colleges, when I was back in high school, I specifically avoided even applying to schools with Greek systems. I felt those schools only partied and academics were the last thing that was thought about. So imagine my friend’s and family’s surprise, hell even my own surprise, when I found myself looking at joining one.
After the break up with Mr. Granola, I knew that I couldn’t attend a school near him. I also knew that I’d probably end up transferring schools multiple times until I found something I was looking for, although I wasn’t sure what that was. But I liked my classes at this city school, and I liked the whole environment of it. All I needed to make a smaller community for myself and a close group of friends so I wouldn’t end up hopelessly college hopping.
I was contacted by a girl through Facebook and asked to come out for some of the informal Spring Recruitment activities. To my surprise, I really liked the girls. None of them fit into that stereotypical cookie cutter I had expected. Instead, they were all unique. Some were preppy, some artsy, some all tattooed up. I felt like there was something there that I should be a part of. This was my chance for a smaller community at such a large school. So I joined.
Anyways, one of my pledge sisters was so excited to talk to me when I got back from my visit with Frank. She told me she needed to tell me something important. I wasn’t quite sure what all the fuss was about. I finally got in touch with her and she informed me that one of her guy friends had seen a picture of me. Apparently, he was intent on meeting me. I agreed, figuring there would be nothing there but another chance at a friendship.