May 31, 2011

Mr. Movie Man: part four

Now technically speaking, Mr. Movie Man and I weren’t exclusive; however, I know the whole situation wouldn’t sit well with him if he knew. But there wasn’t any reason to be hiding it from him either. I was seeing someone else and we were not in a monogamous relationship so it should have been alright. But the problem was that I felt horrible about it. I knew I was hurting him and that wasn’t good. So I knew I needed to tell him.
I invited him over to dinner on a night when I knew my roommate would be gone. I told him he could spend the night if he wished and he told me he’d bring his dog. That’s not code for anything, he literally brought his dog.
When he got there I had been cooking all day I hopes of keeping my mind off of things. He came in and I sat him down. I figured I needed to rip the band aid off quickly.  I looked at him and told him that I needed to tell him something, that I was seeing someone else. He completely freaked. He started yelling at me and calling me a whore. I reminded him that we weren’t exclusive and that if he wanted to see someone else I didn’t have a problem with it. Mr. Movie Man didn’t seem thrilled. In fact, he stormed out of the apartment and told me to never call him again.
I totally deserved it, that I knew.  I had hoped we could move forward and that he would see it from my point of view but nope. It was a risk I knew I would take in telling him but I felt better coming clean. I hated hurting him and that was the part I was upset about the most.
Now you would think after his response to me telling him I was seeing someone else we would be done. Nope, think again. Two days later I received a call from my mom.  I was shocked by what she told me.
“Don’t freak out, but we got a letter from Mr. Movie Man.”
Say what?
Apparently, Mr. Movie Man felt the need to send my parents a thank you letter for allowing him to date their daughter. He wanted them to know that the break up had nothing to do with them and that he enjoyed his time with them. He also hoped that maybe in sometime in the future, things would work themselves out and he’d see them again.  Well wouldn’t you know that a day after my parents received the letter, he called me. He wanted to work things out and he realized that while it hadn’t been the best move, I had the ability to see who I wanted. There was one stipulation. Moving forward with our relationship meant that we would need to be exclusive. I politely told him no thank you. Mr. Movie Man was stunned. I don’t think he realized I would say “no”. But I realized I didn’t want a relationship with him. If I had, then I wouldn’t be looking for something in other guys.
 So I bid a fine farewell to Mr. Movie Man. Now, whenever I drive by a movie set, I look for him and hope he’s doing better.

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