June 24, 2011


Now comes the tale of the oh so uneventful Guido. Yes, every girl has had her run in with this type of guy. We all know him so well. He has an affinity for large tanned muscles, hair gel, and protein shakes. My Guido was no different, hence, how he came to be named Guido. I hesitate to even mention this fine fellow as he is a mere blip on the radar of my relationship life. But his character is an important one as he will cause an issue with another major player. So, on we go with the story.
We met through mutual friends. My roommate and I held a weekly movie night at our apartment and it was frequented by Guido and his roommate as well as a few other friends. To say that our brief relationship was a set up is an understatement. The first thing I remember one of my friends telling me was that we would make beautiful babies.  Of course we were perfect for each other. We were both from the same city, duh. We had soooo much in common!  In reality, we couldn’t be more opposite. But it had been a few months since I last dated so why not give it a shot.
To be honest, not much came from our relationship. There was one lunch, one shopping trip, and one kiss before he escorted me to one of my sorority's semi-formal dances. It was pretty lame and doesn't even deserve the title of "relationship." Once the dance was over, we used each other as make out buddies for a while but with nothing to talk about this only lasted so long. And you can image how fast I was out of there when I heard rumors of another girl working her way into his life.

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