February 05, 2011

Goodbye First Class Frank, and Hello Mr. Emo

I flew home a couple of days later. It was a bittersweet goodbye as I wasn’t sure how my leaving would affect our relationship. I knew me being ill put quite a damper on the should-be romance of the trip. We left our relationship status open. Between the distance and school schedules it didn’t make a whole lot of sense to commit to Frank again. Frank seemed to be alright with this. He knew that it was the responsible thing to do; having an open relationship that it. I could tell he was a bit bummed but knew it was for the best. I thought that given time, all would work itself out and we’d be back together once the summer rolled around. Little did I know, there would be a new someone waiting for me back at home.
Before I left to see Frank, I had gone against my best wishes and did the unthinkable. I joined a sorority. When applying to colleges, when I was back in high school, I specifically avoided even applying to schools with Greek systems. I felt those schools only partied and academics were the last thing that was thought about. So imagine my friend’s and family’s surprise, hell even my own surprise, when I found myself looking at joining one.
After the break up with Mr. Granola, I knew that I couldn’t attend a school near him. I also knew that I’d probably end up transferring schools multiple times until I found something I was looking for, although I wasn’t sure what that was. But I liked my classes at this city school, and I liked the whole environment of it. All I needed to make a smaller community for myself and a close group of friends so I wouldn’t end up hopelessly college hopping.
I was contacted by a girl through Facebook and asked to come out for some of the informal Spring Recruitment activities. To my surprise, I really liked the girls. None of them fit into that stereotypical cookie cutter I had expected. Instead, they were all unique. Some were preppy, some artsy, some all tattooed up. I felt like there was something there that I should be a part of. This was my chance for a smaller community at such a large school. So I joined.
Anyways, one of my pledge sisters was so excited to talk to me when I got back from my visit with Frank. She told me she needed to tell me something important. I wasn’t quite sure what all the fuss was about. I finally got in touch with her and she informed me that one of her guy friends had seen a picture of me. Apparently, he was intent on meeting me. I agreed, figuring there would be nothing there but another chance at a friendship.

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